Thursday, January 13, 2011

Why I am doing it...

People wonder why I host charity events and what is in it for me.  I have to say -it is just what I was put on this planet to do. I found my calling and as weird as it is, my calling is to do charity work.  I have volunteered for my non profit, Charity Wings aka Scrapbook Royalty for the past 4 1/2 years. Its been an amazing journey and right now I am just hoping I can keep it going. I must admit, it has grown beyond my wildest dreams as well as beyond my capabilities.  There is so much more to running a non profit organization then just doing good deeds.

So I am asking you, my friends to please support what I do.

I do not get paid
I do not do this to promote myself
I do not do this for pats on the back
I do it because this is what I was put on this planet to do.

Our next big effort is coming up very very quickly.  Sadly, the support on this event from the community has not been as strong as I had hoped.  We put so much into these events. We have amazing manufacturers and designers on board but for some reason, I just couldn't convey the message about this event.

So I am going to try one more time here on my blog...

This is a charity event to raise money and awareness for Crops of Luv. This wonderful organization makes memory books for children with critical illnesses.  Some of these children win the battle and some of them die.  Either way, the families have this amazing gift of love and rememberance for this time in their child's life.  Its is an amazing testament of love and compassion to take someone's photos and document their life. These women do this as a free service and I want to help them.

You can be a part of this.  Here is how...

  • Sign up for LIVE at CHA. Its a online event. all you need is the internet and you can participate. 
  • Make a donation through our website
  • Participate in the online auction. I will be posting auctions on my fb, and blog and more...Jan 29,30, and 31st.  so keep and eye out 
  • Help spread the word about the event. You can download one of the two flyers below here add them to your blog, newsletter, email it out, facebook, twitter... anywhere you can and link back to our website so they can sign up.
  • We also have a little blinkie that you can pull from the blog on the right.