Thursday, April 26, 2012

Color Run Fun!

DON'T BE TOO JEALOUS! We are doing it again

November 3, 2012.

Join team "Charity Wings"
kids 5 and under are free. 

This was too much fun!

Charity Wings Color Run Team

My little angel
You can never have enough wings
after the first color station
finish line

girls with wings

Elena Harah and Narah

A Hug from a rainbow

All Done and too much fun!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I really want to do this!

Please help me spread the word.  Twice a year I get to LIVE Stream from the CHA tradeshows and I looooove it!!  This is a video from our first LIVE Stream of Marisa Pawelko and I. She cracks me up!

This year we even got to organize a flash mob for charity!

So for our 4th installment we are taking all the things we learned and making it amazing!!


We have changed the event a bit and made it free if you buy a raffle ticket to support:

They are an awesome no kill shelter run by my friend Bernie Berlin. I love being able to support grassroots charities that directly affect the greater good.  It feel so good to give.

SO THE DILEMMA IS... the sign ups are pretty slow so far and catch 22... I need sign ups to get sponsor's excited about supporting and people don't always want to sign up till they know who is sponsoring.  :) Plus it's not for a few months so people think they have plenty of time to sign up.

Such are the challenges of an Event Planner.

So.... I am asking my friends and supporters (that's you because you are reading my blog (smile)) to please help me spread the word.

We have an awesome blinkie:

Live from CHA 2012
Grab Blinkie Code:

I would really appreciate if you could add this to your blog, website, etc. and help spread the word about this super fun event!

The raffle ticket gets you 45 chances to win.  Each prize has a minimum value of $100!!

Thanks awesome friends and family for your support!

Doing the Happy People Dance!

Friday, April 06, 2012

My two AWESOME clubs in So Cal.

I have been leading 2 groups of women for a few years now. Well, one group has been going for about 7 years or something like that and we just have a ball!

I think I always forget to talk about it because I have been doing them for so long and they are just a part of my life.  But being a part of my life, I want to make sure that I get it on my blog more often!

The first group is called Outside the Book Club. Its held 6:30-8:30 pm the first Thursday of the month at Gee Gee's Stamps n Stuff in Carlsbad, California.  This club started at Pink Pineapple Scrapbooks after I came back from Taiwan the 2nd time.  I think that was 2005 or something like that.  I seriously am the worst with dates!  When Pink Pineapple closed we were gypsies for a little while looking for a place to settle and then we landed nicely at Gee Gees and its been wonderful! Gayle is an awesome artist and proprietor and she welcomed us warmly.

The second club is Cool Scrapbook Club and is held 6:30-8:30 pm on the third Weds of the month at Cool Scrapbook Stuff in Poway, California.  Don't let the name fool you. This is also a mixed media group. I had originally planned on this being geared more towards Scrapbooking but I guess with me being more of a mixed media artist, the group kind of ended up evolving that way.  And it has worked out amazing.

We have a make and take each time.   I try to come up with interesting techniques and sometimes the members offer to do a make and take which I love!
teaching the girls how to make tshirt yarn.

the leftovers from making tshirt yarn.  helllloooo 80s!
Of course I have so much time on my hands NOT! , so my dear friend Kat took over the admin side of book club for me so that I could keep doing this while trying to grown Charity Wings to the point that it can sustain itself as well as hire employees.  Having Kat's help has made a huge huge difference. She agreed to do all the communications for me, and the blog and over the months has taken on organizing different parties etc.  It has made a world of difference for me and Kat loves it and the girls love and appreciate her.  Such a win-win situation.

We have at least one guest each cycle. Either the author of the book, or another industry leader.  Here are some of the awesome guests we have had recently:
Christen Olivarez and Jana Holstein

The amazing Jenny Doh.
Jen Cushman and Liz Hicks
Lisa Fulmer and Andrea Currie
Tracy Weinzapfel

We do have room for new members. The first club is pretty full but 1 or 2 more would be ok. and the second club has room to grow.  You can see the fun we have on the blog that Kat updates for us after each meeting.

If you want to make new friends, do art, expand your creativity and be inspired, join us!