Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Sometimes you just get lucky!

I saw this cool silk screening machine at CHA winter called the YuDu and I really wanted to try to get one donated for SBR. I didnt have any luck at the show and even tried submitting a donation request after but no luck. It would be so great to have one so that at events we could use that instead of paying to have tshirts silk screened. It just would be more cost effective and we could raise more money! So then I was blog bouncing and found Erin. http://erinbassett.typepad.com/. Besides being totally amazingly crafty, she is also totally a YuDu expert and it turns out I know her! small scrapbooking world. I actually was at CKU with a few years ago!!

Anyway... Erin called her contact at Provocraft and she was able to hook me up! So I will hopefully be getting one soon for SBR and I will be able to make some awesome designs for event tshirts! I can't wait!

Thank you Erin! You rock!


  1. Erin totally rocks, and it is a small world!!! Can't wait for the YUDU... will bid big time on this!! :)

  2. That is such GREAT news!! I was SUCKED in to the infomercial on HSN... you can YUDU ANYTHING!!


Thanks for letting me know that there are people in the world that wonder what I am up to! :)