Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Did you see my couture?

noun /ko͞oˈto͝or/  /-ˈtYr/ 
coutures, plural
  1.  French word for dressmaking, it generally refers to extremely individual and unique hand-made garments.
 This is what 4 awesome designers made for me to wear for LIVE from CHA.

I am so flattered to be able to show off their creations....

Here are photos of Day One wings by Kendra Wiggins, White Dress by Stephanie Liu, Paper Dress by Candy Rosenberg

good shot of the amazing wings by Kendra Wiggins!

Bernie Berlin and Claudine Helmuth interview for A Place to Bark.  Bernie is willing to do ALMOST anything for her cause. Hence the doggie hat :)

Donna Salazar, Sherry Mendoza, Bernie Berlin and Claudine Helmuth all support Charity Wings and our efforts to raise money and awareness for great causes!

Jacqueline from Le Blanche is always a big hit of the show with her amazing demos! I love translating her German English for her! If you watch, you will know what I mean :)

Jim Scatena from FloraCraft was the first one to really support and get behind what we do. I will always be grateful!

Sharon from Prima showed us all the great stuff!  Here is a good shot of the paper dress.  I was only able to wear it for about an hour because I couldn't move in it! :)

This is what it looks like behind the scenes...

Steve and Cathie Mod Podge goodness!

King Sam from Le Blanche gets a new crown every show.

Designer Chat day one making funny faces!

 This is just day one and just a snippet of the amazing people and interviews we did.  I will post more in the coming days.  I am truly a super super Happy People!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

If you feel like a good read....

I have to do this... I have to tell you...I want to be understood...

My job gives me Wings to Fly!
It's a whirlwind of emotion trying to raise money these days. I tell you every time I plan an event I ask myself, I say "self... :) are you going to spend hours and hours planning and marketing an event to just raise a few hundred dollars?"  Seriously, that is what happens a lot these days. And, when that happens it is such a blow because I AM GOOD AT THIS!!  I am a good fundraiser, I could go door to door in my neighborhood and raise a few hundred dollars in a couple of hours!  Really! Ask anyone! And I don't even live in a nice neighborhood...

I have been doing this for 8 years as a volunteer. Don't misunderstand... I LOVE WHAT I DO.  


I want to raise $5000 for A Place to Bark.
When I started the whole LIVE from CHA adventure 2 years ago.... I tried to add lots and lots to the event to make it all enticing for people to sign up.  Whew did I almost work myself and the volunteers to their graves! It was crazy.  The kitting, the videos, the ebay. Oh my! the amount of work that went into raising a couple thousand dollars was extraordinary.

But I thought to myself.  This is also to raise awareness for the charities, as well as for Charity Wings.  So its still a very good thing.

The next show we improved but still waaaay to much work for the amount of money raised...

The next show even better. but still... the money just was not coming in.  So this time we eliminated a lot of the work (kitting and ebay) and we stuck to prizes.  People love to win stuff.  So now we have all these amazing prizes  ($4500 worth) and a really fun LIVE show so what is missing?


Not to say there are not alot of sign ups, there are, but my goal was to raise $5000 for A Place to Bark though this amazing raffle and show. So back to the whirlwind of emotion. WE ARE ONLY 1/2 WAY THERE.  :( AND THE EVENT IS LESS THAN A WEEK AWAY.


I know people say its the economy.  THAT IS SUCH A LOAD OF C*#%! People spend money on what they want to spend money on. I totally get that and it is their right to choose where they want their dollars to go.  But it's not the economy.  You can walk into Starbucks any time of day and know that I am right.  There are thriving events out there. They are just not for CHARITY.

So here is what I want to leave you with...

The charities and organizations that help people/animals less fortunate than you and I need our help even more now. With the world tightening it's belt, charitable giving has been hit hard.  For so many their budgets and abilities to keep operations going have been cut dramatically.  AND THE NEED IS EVEN GREATER!

My friend Bernie Berlin runs a wonderful rescue called A Place to Bark.  They rescue all kinds of animals from puppy mills, hoarder dwellings, abandoned buildings and more.... They have a great need right now for supplies to take care of the animals, medical bills, and general maintenance.

I want to raise $5000 to help them.

Buy a raffle ticket for $10 or buy 5 raffle tickets for $20.  Even if you don't care a lick about crafting or winning a prize, I know you care about others and I KNOW YOU HAVE THE MONEY because you have a computer and are on the internet! HA!

You can be sure your money is going to help a creature that is truly in need.  3000 animals saved so far says it all.

Learn more about A Place to Bark here:

Thank you for reading and for your support :)

Monday, July 09, 2012

Am I industrial Chic?

I know I want to be!

I got this package of goodies from Susan Lenart Kazmer's peeps with some really really cool pieces from her new Industrial Chic line that is launching!

 I was asked to make something in my style and share it here.  I just fell in love with all the pieces but if you know me, I had to deconstruct them to make them my own.  So I took apart the biggest piece to make a center piece for my necklace. Then I tore a paper heart from book paper and ICE Resined it on.  Yes, that is a a verb. :)

I love the way the piece came out!

 We are  blog hopping so please check out the other artists! There is one per day! and Don't forget to visit the Industrial Chic Blog for lots of updates and ideas!

July 6              Ken Oliver                           
July 7              Vicki O'Dell                          
July 8              Cindy Cima Edwards       
July 9              Elena Lai Etcheverry (me !)   
July 10           Jen Osborn                        
July 11           Wanda Eash                          
July 12           Terri O                                  
July 13           Susan Weckesser             
July 14           Tracy  Weinzapfel                                

And leave me a comment below. I will choose one person to win a ticket to LIVE from CHA!

and please like Charity Wings on Facebook and Follow us on Twitter! To keep up with all the great ways we use Art for Good!

The fun continues in August with ANOTHER Blog Hop for Industrial Chic.  Here are the artists participating in the August Blog Hop:

August 10th -  Barbe St. John   http://barbesaintjohn.blogspot.com/

August 11th -  Cheryl Bodkins Waters   http://blog.artsyfindings.com/

August 12th -  Cindi Bisson   http://fatcatcreations.blogspot.com/

August 13th -  Gretchen McHale  http://readingartworks.com/beta/?page_id=964

August 14th -  Jenny Barnet Rohrs  http://www.crafttestdummies.com/

August 15th -  Kari McKnight  http://backporchartessa.blogspot.com/

August 16th -  Lindsay Obermeyer  http://loops.typepad.com/

August 17th -  Seth Apter  http://thealteredpage.blogspot.com/

August 18th-   Suze Weinberg  http://suzeweinberg.typepad.com/

August 19th -  Tami Bayer  http://www.tamibayer.com/

August 20th -  Theresa Cifali  http://theresacifali.com/

August 21st -  Tracie Stivers Lampe  http://www.radicalrecycks.com/BlogRetrieve.aspx?BlogID=7528

August 22nd -  Traci Bautista  http://kollaj.typepad.com/

August 23rd -  Jen Crossley  http://amarkintime.blogspot.com/

August 24th -   Eileen Hull  http://www.eileenhull.blogspot.com/

August 25th -   Pam Carriker  http://pamcarriker.com/blog/

August 26th -  Sandy Martin  http://sweetpeajewelry1.blogspot.com/