Sunday, August 16, 2009

Buy a Flower from me?

That is right, from me, not for me :) Although I do love flowers (hint hint husband that never reads my blog. :) )

So how do you put a price on art?

Yesterday I was at the Paper Tales "Junque and Trunk" show and it was very fun! It was successful too! Jackie B went and staked us out a great spot on Friday by the back door and after hauling a ton of stuff there, I settled in a for a day for selling. And it was so fun! of course it was because I am a happy people and I make my own fun!

I met a ton of great people, talked about Scrapbook Royalty and sold some of my handmade works of heart!

I also took the time to make some more flowers while I was there. I had prepped them the night before, and was just sewing and adding the centers. It was really fun! I'm way to A.D.D. to just stand there and sell stuff! I have to be doing something else at the same time!

Soooooo.... back to pricing my art. I really have no idea how much I should be selling stuff for. I ask people and really, it is so subjective. I find myself just taking the answer that i like best! There were a few people there selling handmade flowers and they were all priced higher than mine. They were all different of course so really subjective!

Anyway, I am selling my flowers for $4 for the small ones and $5 for the larger ones. If you like them and want to own one.... email me which you like best and I will ship as many as you like to you for $1 shipping charge. I sold a bunch of these at CHA (I am pretty sure Jenni Bowlin's whole booth got one) It is so fun to have people like what you have made!I know these photos are not great of the flowers... I will try to do a post just of flower pics and get close up.


I always donate 20% of my sales to Scrapbook Royalty.

I will be making more :) so keep and eye out!Here are some photos of yesterday's fun...

This is a view of the room and Deena a friend I met through Stephanie Ackerman. She is sooo sweet and donted a bunch of stamps at the end to SBR.

Is this dress form so cute with the wings, aprons and tape measures? I just loved it.

this adorable girl told me all about her tap lessons and how she was going to start taking ballet. she was just too cute and had to have a flower!

god I am am such a not good photogrpher! I dont know how to find the right lighting... anyway, this wonderful chicky bought this clip and put it on right then and there. It looked fab!

Lisa came by and bought 4 flowers! you should all follow her lead!

Here I am with my wares and the beautiful SBR banner that the amazing Jennifer Priest made. I only put up half of it because it is super long!

Maryam came by to support! she looked beautiful as always!

here we are at the end. all greasy but all smiles!


  1. Nice to see you at the Junque and Trunk show on Saturday. It was so hard to decide what to buy at your booth! So many fun & cute things. I especially loved the flowers (as did my little one).

  2. Your flowers are so pretty! I will see you this Saturday at the Wizard of Oz Gala! Have a nice week! Twyla

  3. Hope you had a great sale at Paper Tales on Saturday. I had fun seeing everyone and getting some goodies at such a reasonable price...gotta love that! Sorry I didn't get to chat with you more, but you were so busy!

  4. these flowers are freaking awesome!!! they are so pretty!! should teach us how to make these!!!

  5. Elena,
    I was on Etsy looking for fun and found these flowers similar to yours she sells them for $14. Just thought you might want to check it out.


  6. I sSTILL want THAT NECKLES!!!!!I have never in my life been so in love with a piece of jewelery. If you ever want to get ride off it just let me know.


Thanks for letting me know that there are people in the world that wonder what I am up to! :)