Thursday, August 13, 2009

Whatcha doing this Saturday? What I did yesterday...

This Saturday...
August 15th I will be at Paper Tales "Junque and Trunk Show", from 8 am-4 pm
This isn't your average run-of-the-mill scrapbook sale!Join us for a special sale and a special day.A HUGE sale of paper and stamp items, vintage and antique accessories, fabric,art, collectibles, jewelry, postcards, ephemera and more!The first 20 customers that day will receive a special goody-bag!ALL customers will receive a 10% discount that day at the store!!Don't miss the fun!!!

A day of travel for the Traveling Princess. Lisa and I made a day of fun out of Scrapbook Royalty meetings. First stop Paris to the Moon. I have only been here once but have been dying to get back. Soooo awesome full of inspiration. I just love it! The proprietor Darren and artist Keri were gracious to pose for a photo for us and Keri's little cute dog was kind enough to give me little ears in the picture! They are having a

tea party on Aug 29th. If Idid not have the Operation Showers Of Appreciation event at Pink Pineapple, I would be there in a heart beat! I know it will be awesome!

Then off to meet in person a wonderful volunteer Christina who has taken on the role of Volunteer Coordinator for SBR. This is a huge task to take on and Lisa has actually done this type of thing before so it was great to have her there to give input and she can now be a back up for this position as well. so in the photo.. left to right Lisa, Pam, Christina and Me! Pam came after our meeting to chat about the newsletter. She took on this daunting task about 2 months ago? maybe longer? and has been amazing at it. She also Twitters for SBR! Something I still dont totally understand :) but she is awesome at it I know that much!

After these two meetings, Lisa, Pam and I went to meet Lorene Yost for another little meeting and chat about SBR and then off to the Stampington Launch Party!

This was seriously so much fun. The room was filled with artists that have contributed to this beautiful publication as well as the editors of the different magazines. Jenny Doh, Editor and Chief, introduced me to Killeen the publisher and it was like meeting royalty. This is such an amazing publication for inspiring artists and crafters. If you have not picked up a Stampington Magazine before, go out and get one! I bought the Green Crafts Magazine last night and I love it. I am all about being green!

Thanks to Cheryl who made this wonderful connection for me and SBR!

Ok. I sooooo want Jenny's Dress! Its soooo me! The first time I met Jenny, she told me she had the same dress as I was wearing! we have the same taste :) how flatering!
lots of amazing artists showed up. i was in awe!
look at the fun twinkling H2Os that they had for us to play with! so sad you cant get these any more but i have tons left and love them! they last forever!

here are some of the releases. they were all amazing!

look at this wall of embelli candy in the ArtBar

Ruth Rae sewing words on this vintage sewing machine ! so beautiful!

Donna Salazar, Kim Caldwell, and Cheryl Waters. Im in swaps with these girls and just love their amazing artistic talent!

two of the most craftiest artistas I know!

In the end, it is all about friendship and I love these girls!


  1. Elena,
    It was wonderful seeing you last night. Thank you for your energy, creativity, and support. Look forward to seeing you when you visit Stampington headquarters.
    Jenny :)

  2. What do you mean you can't get twinkling H2O's anymore? Metropolitan Scrapbook Store has them in her store. Did they stop making them?

  3. pretty sure that company went out of business right?

  4. Elena,

    I miss you and you know if you have any "silly" work I will do for you while sitting on the couch. All I want to know is why isn't my "geogems" blog listed at the side of your blog as one you follow...hmmmmm, just a question. xo geo

  5. so good to see you again! and I'm glad you had a fun night as well! Sorry I can't be more involved in SBR right now, but plan to see more of me and my crowns next year!

  6. WOWZA- someone went on an extravaganza!!! Looks like loads of fun!

  7. This made me cry (warm and sweet tears). This was an amazing night with amazing friends and inspiration! I love the Stampington family and to have so much beauty in one room was bliss. I love you gal!

  8. I have not stopped by in ages but knew when I did pop in you would be up to lots of fun


Thanks for letting me know that there are people in the world that wonder what I am up to! :)