Becoming a mother at 46 and the adventure of having a baby unicorn!

Tuesday, July 05, 2011


I had a lot of Vitamin D this weekend.  I spent time in the sun, taking walks, being with friends, meeting new friends.  It was a blessing.

Here is a canvas I did in our booth at Scrapbook Expo. I love Suzi Blu. This is one of her stamps from Unity Stamp Co.  I love Unity!

I will be leaving for Scrapbook Expo in Puyallup, WA (Seattle Area) next week and I can't wait to make new friends and teach people how to make this awesome canvas.  Here is one that Suzi did. she is amazing!

We are also doing little luggage tags in our booth. Here is one Suzi made for me!

just felt like putting up some art on my blog.  last couple of posts were a bit deep :)

working on some cool stuff for my clubs and for CHA!

1 comment:

Christine said...

Beautiful art, Elena!!! I love Suzi too!