Matt and I had to fight our way to each other. Even though we went to Jr. High and High School together and our parents still live in the town we grew up in, we didn't know each other till just this year. Some of you know what ups and downs my life has had, nothing significantly different than the next person, but some days were filled with so much pain and depression I really did wish I was dead. And I married the person that I thought I could make be my soul mate even though I knew in my heart that he wasn't and Matt did the same. And it took all of that, all of those sad moments and happy ones to get us to where we are now.
So...after paying some dues, I have finally found a person that is a perfect fit for me and it was all worth it. He says things that I need to hear. He looks at me with this look of pure adoration and I can tell that he just feels lucky to have found me. I know its gag barf gooey sappy gross but I just love him.
The past was an amazing gift to get me to now and the future looks blissful....
Now, on to what I got on my blog to write about... My awesome friend Jen Cushman is coming to town!! She is teaching at the Charity Wings Seaside Soiree and she is doing a little bonus class the day before at Gee Gee's Stamps and Stuff in Carlsbad.
Look at the amazing samples she made. You get to personalize them and make them your own.
I hope you can come! 11 am till 1 pm this Thursday. Class fee is $50 + a $10 material fee which includes everything!
Ready, Set, Resin!
Turn your eye for design into fabulous and unique jewelry. During class we will use handcrafted bezels, oodles of images, ICE Resin (a non-toxic jeweler's-grade resin) and the most important tool of all -- your imagination to make a trio of resin pendants. Learn how to properly mix and pour a two-part epoxy resin, add color if you so choose, embed small objects like rhinestones or beads, how to work with a backless bezel and blinging it up with glitter. The images are idea samples of what you can create, but students will personalize their pendants to fit individual art style and tastes.

Call the store to sign up. 760-729-1779 Seats are limited to 10 peeps!