Last night Jennifer T and I worked the
Yudu till 10:30 pm!! Making our volunteer's tshirts for CHA. I asked them to give me a tshirt and we silk screened them. It was so cool! I love the way they turned out.
Leave a comment and guess what CBY 4 SBR stands for and I will pick a winner to get their own SBR tshirt! Even if you are wrong, you will stil be entered to win :) I can't wait to see what you all come up with! Ill choose before I leave from CHA next week.
We practiced on Monday and used almost a whole bottle of ink and couldnt get it! Then after talking to Mike from Provocraft we decided to make a new screen which had its own disasters but finally got it. and here is my screen. You can see the old screen design underneath but it does not affect it at all.
Here is a bunch of practice runs we did on my rags. I am some really fancy rags now!! ;)
Here are some of the finished shirts. It was actually so fun and Jennifer and I are definitely addicted now!
My lovely friend
Georgia hosted a flower making class by Deborah at her house and I was honored to be able to go play. It feels so good to get to spend a few hours just not stressing about SBR and how much needs to be done. I couldn't do the work I do with SBR if I didn't get to have these creative outlets and moments. so thank you Georgia and all the wonderful friends that were there.

I had already been making some. Remember this post?

but I loved seeing how Deborah does them and I made a whole bunch more!

The one in the middle (above pic) is my favorite.
I am still learning how to use this camera but I did, for the first time change the lens to the macro lens and it was success. so my pictures should be getting better :)

I'll be at the Quick Quotes Private Reserve this weekend hosting raffle, auction for Angel Faces , They are an amazing local charity that you have to check out! I'll also be passing out fairy fly bys to the participants!
before that I'm going to the gift show to see Miss Vicky! Will take some cool pics there I am sure! She has an awesome retreat soming up Sept 26th!!! check out her link.
Ok, back to work!
I think it is:
Charity By You 4 ScrapBook Royalty
Just a thought ,, LOL!!
I have no idea what CbY 4 SBR is... I mean i know SBR is Scrapbook Royalty, but no clue on the CbY. Cute shirts though :)
SO glad the shirts turned out so good!! Now that you've done it on your own you'll be a pro at it.
Those flowers look awesome too...I'm coveting them.
those shirts are cute. I wonder if I need a Yudu. Maybe huh? That bleeding cowboys font is my new fave! I think the letters on the shirt stand for Created by Yudu for Scrapbook Royalty. Am I right?! The flowers you girls made are GORGEOUS!
I think it stands for
Charitable Buy for Scrapbook Royalty.
Enjoyed your's fun!
how fun is the yudu!! super cool!! seriously, those flowers are super awesome!!! love them!!
Okay, Created by You for Scrapbook Royalty
love love love the flowers
charity by you for scrapbooking royalty,anyway those look great.Good job!!!!!!
I think Debby is correct. I was going to guess Crafts by You for Scrapbook Royalty.
Wow . . . that's a fun machine. Beautiful rags, shirts, bags . . . you name it. Oh wow!
I'm hoping my friend will make me a flower! Love them! Miss you but will see you soon!
I love your're a pro. I already know what cby stands for so I won't ruin it.
I think those are awesome answers from Kristi B. and Just Call Me Silly Sal!!!! I think one of you two have it in the bag for sure!!
I'm struggling on the cby but I know the rest if for scrapbook royalty. Love the shirts!
Looks like you've mastered the Yudu -- I knew you would ! Love how the shirts turned out !
How about come buy yours for scrapbook royalty.
Fiskateer 6158 - Carol
The flowers are AWESOME...and, yes, you are getting better with that fancy new camera. ha ha
Very cool!! Created by Yudu? I really like that font.
I lost my other comment. You are more than welcome at really light up a room with your presence111 sTILL CANNOT FIGURE OUT HOW YOU WORK SO FAST??? You had more done than I could cut out.
Is the words "created bling 4 scrapbook royality"? I don't care...I just want in the drawing and to go with you to CHA. Love you---geo
I am looking to purchase a YuDu. Would you please contact me at Thanks. Donna
I like Carols answer Come Buy yours 4 Scrapbook Royalty. Good luck selling them looks like Donna wants one. Have fun at CHA, wish I was going they are always so much fun.
That was too much fun! No need to enter me in the drawing, I just wanted to say how much fun I had (once we figured it out) ;)
You guys have got some creative minds!! I am going to post the answer before I leave for cha and pick a winner! fun!
I am going to go with Created by Yudo for scrapbook royalty.
Fun stuff!!
CBY is stumping me too! I will go with my first thought--Created by Yudu for Scrapbook Royalty. Thanks for a chance to win.
Love all these fun answers and the shirts are awesome! I think it stands for Created for Yu by Scrapbook Royalty.
Lesa #5200
Oops! Backwards me--I should have said Created by Yu for Scrapbook Royalty, LOL!
How about "Crafted by you" 4 SBR? As long as I'm entered....
Pretty, pretty flowers!
Created by Yudu for SBR :)
krysti 3943
ok, that's a toughie. my guess would be...Created By You For Scrapbook Royalty!
thanx, Elena!!
Oh there are so many ideas. .. crafted for you by Scrap book Royalty.. . .
Let me tell that is a wonderful looking shirt and even the rags look to pretty to use. . .
Created by you for Scrap Book Royalty
then you have to make something for your to auction off for charity.
Sorry my mind is going now!
My guess is the same too
Created by Yudu for Scrapbook Royalty
I LOVE THEM flowers I got to go back and lOOK at them again.. they will go with my Pinky Basket.:O)
My guess:
Creativity by YuDu for Scrap Book Royalty
Hmmm I need to make some soccer team shirts....
Crafts by You for Scrapbook Royalty
created by Yudu for Scrapbook Royalty :)
Very nice job!
Fiskateer 5612
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