I posted a photo of myself of facebook with my tutu on and my head down crying. I got a lot of worried responses but the best one was Teri's "you look so tragic Elena, I hope you are ok" I had just told my husband I was leaving him and cried for about 24 hours straight and the next morning I was meeting Jennifer T. and Anita to go to D23 Expo. I had no idea if I could do it or not but I knew I needed to. I needed to keep moving and keep busy or I felt like I would die. So I was trying on my tutu and tears were streaming down my face and I just thought I needed to capture the moment. So in my dimly lit living room with a tripod and a timer I took this photo:

I know some people will think it's strange but honestly I am so happy I took this picture so that I could make this nostalgia board this weeked at Miss Vicky's. Thank you Vicky for opening your home and your "collection" to me and for being such a loving caring generous friend.

A stained broken heart waiting to be whole again.